

Show Your Support for Veterans

Many Americans assume that veterans have plenty of support upon their return to civilian life. Whether they were injured or completed their service, it’s natural to think they’re well taken care of, considering all they’ve done and sacrificed for the country.

While advancements are being made, our veterans are severely undersupported throughout the nation, and it’s taken the work of non-government organizations to help give them a voice in a population that is all too quick to forget the service and protection they’ve provided. When you contribute to Hometown Hero Outdoors, you are helping to support these men and women while also expressing your gratitude for putting their lives on hold to keep you safe and free.

Did You Know. . ?

Despite efforts to increase the assistance programs for veterans throughout the nation, there are still so many that get overlooked. From not receiving the physical or mental help necessary to keep them safe, healthy, and functional to a shortage of housing options for those who are not fit enough to keep up with a job, our veterans need our help now more than ever.

For every veteran who is assisted, many more desperately need support, encouragement, and aid from the nation that they served so selflessly.
Less than 50% of veterans receive the mental health assistance they need
An average of 22 veterans commit suicide every day
Veterans are 1.5 times more likely to commit suicide
It’s estimated that 11-20% of veterans experience and suffer from PTSD
Veterans make up 8% of the nation’s homeless population

There are very few within our country who need our assistance and support as much as our veterans. They deserve so much more than what they are currently receiving. For the protection they’ve given you, for the danger they took on, and for their selflessness, consider donating so that we can extend our reach and offer assistance to even more of them.

We encourage you to make a donation today or consider volunteering your time to assist us in getting our veterans into the outdoors. (Contact Us  for additional information) so that we can continue to make a difference in the lives of veterans throughout our nation.

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Even a small donation makes the world a better place!

Help us continue to support the men and women protecting us. Make a donation!
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