Even though a moose didn't meet the dirt, it was a phenomenal trip. HHO had the pleasure of meeting some fantastic people to include a great veteran and our hunter - Brent Fowler. To say we are grateful for his service is an understatement. He continues shaping communities and young minds.
Our host at Smoldering Lake Outfitters with David Hentosh and his wife was top notch. The hunt was hosted by their non-profit, The Veterans Afield Foundation. The support of Mike Swimm & Rick Wotton was a great time. The landowners deserve recognition for this opportunity.
Long days and short on sleep - 10pm bedtime and 3am wake-ups, was all worth it. They saw up to 6 moose in the last 2 days. And this juggernaut moose evaded them - but that isn't what it's all about.
It's the friendships and memories to help others heal. The networks and comradery is irreplaceable.