WOW! That is all that Field Staff Clint Lutz can say. The Chippewa Pines Resort knocked it out of the park again. They got 7 members and 2 staff out for a day+ of fishing on the world-famous Chippewa Flowage. In cooperation with the Chippewa Pines Resort and they did not disappoint! Some firsts and personal bests were made.
They caught 6 different fish species, and HHO Team MN staff Jamie Gack caught his first musky and biggest fish ever. It was estimated to be 40" - 44" and 18 to 20 lbs. It was a beautiful Tiger Musky! Clint cannot thank Matt and Melanie Mikesh of the Chippewas Pines Resort enough for hosting us.
We'd also like to thank the boat owners and guides for taking the time out of their busy schedules to help us get our members out on the water.